Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This 'n' That

1. Quit Yer Bitchin Sorry about the lame, whiny post yesterday. I just had to vent. A lot of other people at work are in my same position, or will be soon, and I should just learn to handle it better. I'm going to try shorter posts here and there when I can and not think about them so much--just blog with the flow, so to speak. Like now.

2. Hippie Baby on the Way For those of you who have been following the saga of when my hippie neighbors will have their baby, I think today's the day (or yesterday was the day). They weren't home when I got home from work yesterday, and they're still not home. Soon, the soundproof qualities of the cement wall separating our apartments will be tested, I believe. Also to be tested: the patience, resolve, and sanity of the hippie neighbors, who are planning on using cloth diapers even though they lack a washer and dryer.

3. Dilemna So, some of you know about Grocery Store Dude, who asked for my number at Giant Eagle last week. (To be clear, he was a fellow shopper--he doesn't work at the grocery store. Not that there's anything wrong with that.) He called on Monday night, and we made plans to meet for a drink tonight. The problem is, I don't want to go. I knew I didn't want to go as soon as I hung up the phone with him, for a variety of reasons, and then I also remembered that I have a hair appointment after work as well. (Really! I do!) I tried to call him twice last night, using the number that was on my cell phone from when he called me--and it just rang and rang, no answer, no voice mail, nothing. What do I do? I have three options, basically--stand him up, show up and tell him I can't stay, or show up and stay and end the evening as quickly and politely as possible, then head home to try to get in an hour's work before "Lost." What to do??

I know, I know, I can't just stand him up--that's unbelievably rude. But isn't it rude to have a stupid frickin phone number that doesn't allow people to actually reach you??? Maybe I can pull off Option 2 gracefully. I don't know--I'm pretty out of practice with this stuff. Stay tuned--I will post results of the date dilemna and hippie baby arrival later tonight.


David said...

Well, as to the "whiney" post, we all have to vent and sometimes its not great to vent outloud at work . . . though I've done it--stupidly.

Ya'll have tons of responsibility, you have less reliable help than anyone else, and well, the situation sucks.

Now that I've reinforced the sour mood, I'll say that we all support you and hope things improve. If I can be of any help--inside work or outside, give me a shot.

As to the GSD . . . I can only say, if any involvement with him imperils your ability to watch the next-to-last LOST of the season, you've gotta cut him loose! Especially if you are hesitant in the first place.

The worst thing that can happen is that you have to find a new place to shop. :)

flipper said...

Did I read you wrong, burb, or did you just agree to do shots with me??

David said...

It sounds like you're buying!