Tuesday, May 30, 2006

People Much More Important Than Myself

O.K., I'm actually at work right now, so this has to be a short one, but you know what I love? I love it when you go into the break room at work to get some coffee, and someone at the sink feels they have to rinse out their coffee cup about 68 times, even though you are standing there obviously waiting to use the sink yourself. These same people who have plenty of time for a cup-rinsing marathon then do not have time to make another friggin' pot of coffee after pouring the last bit into their mondo-rinsed cup. It doesn't make it any less annoying that the coffee machine itself, being pretty modern and made for a corporate environment, couldn't be faster or easier to operate if it was run by mind control. You don't have to measure coffee. You don't have to add water. You just dump out the old coffee grounds, open a new packet, and flip a switch. But I guess some people are just too important and busy to spare that extra 15 seconds it would take to accomplish this amazing feat.

O.K., I feel better. Deep breath. Back to work.

1 comment:

Paul said...

How very fortunate you are to work with such exceptionally important people. One would imagine that these individuals could only be present at a CREEP convention.