Burb, in his infinite kindness and generosity, called me back to explain how to integrate Firefox and Blogger, so now I can once again do this! And this! And, that's about it right now, but I'm sure I'll figure out other stuff eventually. Like how to post a photo to my blog home page, maybe?
Actually, I'll do a little experiment here and try to post a photo of my niece. O.K., I did it, as you can see, but how to move it? I can't figure out how to move it from the beginning of the post to the end. Burb is going to regret ever offering to help me, I suspect!
(Sorry to inundate my blog with all this computer-related stuff. I'm sure it's not that interesting to a lot of you, but . . . I'm in love! And, as people tend to do, I'm inclined to ramble on and on about my new love interest as I explore the beginnings of our relationship. Please bear with me!)
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