Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Jagged Little Pill

Well, it's official--I'm on steroids!

What happened was, I called the doctor's office yesterday and spoke with a nurse and got some more information about the prednisone issue. Turns out, they only want me to take it for two weeks, which is not enough time to develop the more extreme and grisly symptoms I described in my last post. Their thinking is, if my problem is arthritis, the prednisone will take care of this particular flare-up, and then I can go on an exercise regimen for maintenance after that. And if I have something else wrong, like a slipped disc or sciatica, the prednisone won't really help, and then I'll have an MRI.

It makes sense, I guess, but I still wasn't sure I wanted to take the prednisone at all. Then, at 2:00 in the morning last night, I was woken up by a shot of pain that actually made me scream. Guess I tried to actually roll over or something, which I haven't really been able to do lately. After that, I couldn't get into a comfortable position, and the pain just never went away--I was basically up all night. At 7:00 I finally got up and took the damn pills.

And you know what? They may be evil, but they work. I can tell the difference already, after one dosage. The constant throbbing pain is gone. Some positions, like driving, are still uncomfortable, but all in all, I'm practically back to normal. When I changed clothes after work, I didn't even have to sit down while doing so--I actually remained standing while putting my pants on. That might not sound like a big deal, but for me, it's a major accomplishment--I haven't been able to do that for two weeks.

I guess my biggest fear right now isn't what the drugs are going to do to me over the next two weeks--how much weight can you gain in 14 days, after all?--but that I'll feel better and then won't follow through on the physical therapy and exercise and will allow myself to get to this sorry state again. That must not happen! So, I'm asking you, my friends and loved ones and the occasional lurking stranger, please keep on me about exercising. Bitch and hassle and nag, a lot, I'm begging you.

Believe me, you don't want to be around the consequences if you don't.


Anonymous said...

hey, fatty, put down the cheese cake and hop on a bike. and would it kill you to walk to the bakery? maybe then you can justify the one pound box of assorted cookies. try to remember what your toes looked like and how nice it would be to see them without contorting your body into unnatural positions. and wouldn't it be nice to drive a car without your belly resting on the steering wheel? its probably safer too.

just tryin to help you out babe.

Anonymous said...

Probably be easier to exercise if you (and the other anonymous) quit smoking! Your back may feel better as well.

David said...

I remind you that we play weekly tennis matches. When your steroid regimen is finished, come play with us!

Plus you'll be all 'roided out and will be hellacious to play against!

Sven Golly said...