Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blast (or something) from the past

So, tonight I was cleaning out some computer files, and I came across this random document containing a blog post I started to write . . . a year ago? More? Actually, I must have written it in the last 7 months, in the time since I got the new computer, but still, it was a while back. I only vaguely remember writing this post, and I don't remember where I was going with it (as it's obviously incomplete). It's interesting for me to think about what I might have been doing when I wrote this--like, was it on a weekend or a weeknight? What was I listening to? Was I watching Law & Order while writing? (I do that sometimes.) That's one of the great things about writing--it helps you track your life.

Anyhoo, without further ado, here is the entry:

Things that irked me tonight:

1. Wilco song as a jingle. (Some car commercial, I think.)
2. Scott Baio is 45 and single.
3. Someone on the VH1 show "Charm School" has the exact same comforter as me. Yeah, they shop at Target too.
4. I have so much to do, but I can't stop watching the World Series of Pop Culture.
5. Transformers trailers. Understand, this is a Michael "King of Crap" Bay film based on a TOY. Yeah. (Slightly even more heinous than basing a movie on a video game.)
6. God, I don't want to do laundry.

So, probably not all that interesting to anyone but me, but there it is--random thoughts that were going through my head at some point about 7 months ago. I often jot down random thoughts like this, but I generally incorporate them into a blog entry or an e-mail and then delete them. This one I just let hang out there . . . and it's kind of fun to come across stuff like this at some point in the future and think back.

Yes, writers are easily amused.

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