First, my usual disclaimer--I haven't been blogging because I've been working on some other writing. I'm not going to get into what it is, exactly, but it could be the beginning of my book, so I need some slack cut here. (In all fairness, though, no one's really been giving me shit about not blogging, so maybe slack has already been cut. . . . )
Anyhow, I felt inspired this morning . . . which is more than I can say for my mental state for most of the rest of this weekend. So, that's my first confession--laziness. I've felt incredibly lazy lately . . . not sure why, maybe it's just the advent of porch-reading season, which, you can pretty much guess from that what I spent most of yesterday doing instead of the spring cleaning I had planned for this weekend. And as long as we're on the topic of confessions, here's some completely random ones from the past couple of days.
Failure to eat well confession
What I've eaten this weekend:
And no, I didn't intentionally decide to only eat things that start with the letter "p"--it just worked out that way. And I should note--I almost never eat Pop-Tarts. They had them at the convenience store, individually wrapped, and I thought, "Yeah, a Pop-Tart." Blueberry, to be exact.
Listening to bad music confession Three musicians whose songs happened to come on the radio when I was driving and I did not change the station:
*John Mayer
*Kid Rock
*Joan Jett
But really, who turns the station on Joan Jett? Note that this confession will most likely cause me to lose the total respect of at least one close friend.
Things I didn't do this weekend confession
*Getting off the couch and/or porch much
Watching bad TV confession Shows that I either actively watched or that were at least playing in the background this weekend:
*That Heath Ledger movie where he's a knight and they play David Bowie music
*A bad Lifetime movie about a babysitter who seduces the dad, blah blah blah
Being less-than-friendly to a certain neighbor confession
Mostly because she has a "Vote Pro-Life" bumper sticker on her car and parks in an irritating way in our common lot.
The RWBF and I have something unusual in common confession [Dad warning in effect]
We have both slept with rock stars! Well, granted, his rock star is quite a bit more famous than my rock star, but I slept with mine three times, so. . . . And who are these rock stars, you ask?
Mine: Ross Flourney of The Broken West, formerly known as The Brokedown. You can see his pic here. Obviously, I successfully pursued my crush on him! Hey, is it my fault if we kept in touch over the course of several months, and when his band came through Columbus, he no longer had a girlfriend and I was free as well? And then again a year later? Sometimes things just work out. . . .
The RWBF's: Well, a picture's worth a thousand words, right? So, here's a pic:

See the one in the middle? Yeah, that would be Belinda Carlisle of the Go-Gos. Apparently, the RWBF was working security at one of their concerts, and she just picked him out. And yes, her hair most likely really did look like that--this was 20 years ago.
Am I the only person who did not like "There Will Be Blood"? confession
Seriously, I don't get the hype around this movie. It was slow, boring, and way too long, and I didn't like or feel sympathy for any of the characters, not even the deaf kid. (When a viewer fails to feel sympathy for a deaf orphan, you know something's gone wrong with the character development of a story.) And I know Daniel Day Lewis got a lot of props for his acting in this one, but to me, it just seemed like he was trying to channel a drunken, insane Captain Jean Luc Picard. Also, the ending sucked. That whole milkshake thing? I just don't get it.
Well, that's about all I got for now. Whew! Glad I got all that off my chest. Must get back to the business of procrastinating on cleaning the house, but I'll try not to neglect the blog so much as I carry on with my other projects. Hope everyone had a good weekend!